Website Integration
Creating leads from Google Ads / FB ad landing page is similar to creating a website widget.

You can create a widget and place it on your Ad landing page. That's all.

Please watch this 2 minutes video for more details about Generating a website and integrating on your website / Ads Landing Page.
Creating a lead from your website to your CRM account is Super easy.

You can watch this 1 Minute video on how to integrate the lead widget on your website :

Here are the steps.
1). Login to your Account as Admin. ( ONLY admin user can access the company settings by default ).
2). Go to "Company Settings" (top right corner)
3). Go to CRM Settings.
4). Click "Lead Widget for your Website"  (or after login as admin click )
5). You can configure widget and Save it by giving the widget name.
6). You need to copy the widget Code and send it to your website designer / Developer.

Usually it will take 10 to 15 mins to place widget on your website.

You can create multiple widget and you can place it any of your website.